We got Little Popot Leapfrog's Clickstart last year. I wanted a handheld device for her this year, so we got her the Didj. It requires four AA batteries and has almost the same footprint as a PSP. On the Didj you can create profiles for up to four users- three with their own names and one as guest. Users can acquire points, called bits, when they progress through the games and the lessons. The bits can be used to buy customization options from Leapfrog's website. You can buy special moves and attacks, as well as gears and even game "moods". With the LeapfrogConnect application parents can also track their children's learning path. You can also customize the game/lessons to match your child's current lessons in school. It grows with your children. You do not get that with any other gaming devices out there.
The box.
The contents.
Our game. Spongebob FTW!
Didj is a throwback to the early video gaming years. You talk about retro being in? This is retro gaming at it's very best, with and educational twist. Even I who is biologically old enjoys playing with this little thing. In fact, I am keeping this little baby for myself for now. It is okay, Little Popot does not mind, as long as she gets her turn every now and then. I use it to make her drink her milk and to make her eat more rice. It works like a charm!
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